7 Digital Marketing Strategies That Actually Work
Chatbots A / B distribution test. Complex marketing skins. Forget everything.
If you run a small business, none of these things should be your concern.
Digital marketing strategies that deserve your attention are irrelevant.
In this post, we'll cover seven of these strategies and let them work for you, not just an experience-based theory.
1. Blogging with SEO
What you do today is not blogging. This is a diary
If you adopt this blogging style and don't really have a loyal and loyal audience hanging over every word, your business blog will be a thing of the past.
How can you fix this?
Write down the problems the target customer is already looking for.
Suppose you sell computer parts online. The options your customers are looking for are:
- Why is my computer slow?
- How to make a computer
- How to speed up your computer
When we combine these keywords in Word Explorer Word, we see that thousands of searches are performed on each keyword every month.
Word Word Explorer keyword search folder.
But here's the best:
You can help people solve these problems while integrating the product from your store into your content.
For example, a slow computer can have memory (RAM), a hard disk drive, or a central processing unit (CPU). Help readers diagnose their problems and offer product solutions.
A "calculation process" is also required. Explain the mechanism and recommend the required specific components.
This concept works in almost every industry.
If you're real, instead of blogging about the Modern Industry Award that no one cares about, write about the real-world problems that potential consumers are looking for:
How to invest in real estate
How to buy a house
What credit score is required to buy a house?
All of these topics have the potential to attract a wider audience.
Keyword search folder 2
Not just the audience: there are people on the market who give you something, who have deep pockets and the desire to own their own home.
But how do you know what your audience is looking for?
The first option is guess. Another option is to use a keyword explorer and search for some of the tag-related keywords. For a broker, these things can be things like "buying a house", "real estate", etc.
From here, go to the Frequently Asked Questions report to see the most popular questions. What people ask
Keyword Broker
Then it's all about choosing the best keywords for your business, analyzing keyword problems and creating the right content.
If you can do this and your ranking, you will get free, consistent and negative traffic from Google after a month.
2. Video marketing on YouTube
YouTube is the third largest search engine in the world and another place where people search for solutions to their problems.
For example, there are 17,000 monthly searches for "makeup for beginners" worldwide.
Makeup for primary keywords
Now I'm not an expert, but I think getting this look off is easier if you use the right makeup and brush.
If you are makeup, makeup or just one of our partners, you can easily create a video on the subject and recommend some products.
Famous bloggers like Daniel Mansouti do this.
Daniel's # 1 video on YouTube about “Makeup for Beginners” and her video has been viewed by over 200,000 visitors today.
During the video, she recommends the best products and indicates in the video description where to buy them.
product recommendations
Now that Google shows video-video results for many searches, the video is also included in Google search terms for relevant terms.
Makeup tutorial for google rating
In fact, this video only gets 2,900 additional visits from Google every month:
Google organic traffic
Back to work: To find the relevant topics to search for on YouTube, just switch to Keyword Explorer, switch search engines to YouTube, and search for a broad keyword in your industry.
If you sell iPhone cases, this is something like "iPhone" or "iPhone X":
From here, you can use the Questions report to find out what people are asking about it. For now, here are some great ideas like "How to Unlock iPhone 6" and "How to Change iPhone 6 Screen":
Text of the phone
The latter is a very good keyword for iPhone sellers as viewers are likely to want to watch their phones more than once, which is the case you want to buy
To get the most out of this strategy, make your videos really useful and valuable, keep the differences to a minimum and avoid excessive advertising.
This has helped us develop our YouTube channel more than a million times a month ...
YouTube Ideas
... which has led to thousands of new leads and buyers:
sleeve bands
For more information on rating your videos and expanding your channel, check out our YouTube SEO guide.
3. Social media marketing
Social media marketing strategies for most companies can be summarized in one sentence:
Stay up to date on boring updates and promotions sent to each channel’s followers.
If you do, stop now. This is not a social media marketing strategy. It's just a way to waste time and isolate your followers.
So what should you do?
Here are some tips.
Pay attention to the social network
Creating the following elements takes time and effort. If you spread too thin, it won't work.
For this reason, it is best to initially focus on just one social network.
But which option should you take?
Contrary to popular belief, most users shouldn't. It's about finding a network where your target audience is suspended and understanding if you can get there by being there.
If you are up to date in the industry, the first part shouldn't be too difficult.
For example, most SEO professionals break down on Twitter or Facebook. Many of them are on Snapchat or Instagram - at least not in professional skills.
Brian Dean Insta
So we want to focus on doing the next one on Twitter or Facebook.
However, if you're a food blogger, the tiger is probably your best bet.
But what about this other part of the equation?
Serve food on the podium
No matter which platform you choose, you need to try to understand why your audience is and how you can serve it.
For example, people go to YouTube for fun or learn something.
On the other hand, Facebook is different. People don't want to see 30-minute tutorials or promotions in the news feed. They want to see exciting, fun, or surprising content that they can share with friends.
To get people's attention here, you need to tell a story, make a short video clip, or do something else that stands in an endless sea of promotions and fake shots.
Twitter is about communicating faster and more effectively and not with an overwhelming majority.
Maybe that's why we pay so much attention to the little tips we share ...
4. Podcasting
There are two ways to market your company with a podcast:
Create your own podcast
Interview with another person in a podcast
Creating a podcast is great for building brand and audience, but creating traction can take some time. In addition, most of us do not have the tools or contacts in the industry to produce the popular podcast.
The interview in a podcast is a different story.
Podcasts are always looking for interesting people to interview. You don't have to be a celebrity to do that. As long as you have experience in this area (online or offline) and want to share some serious values, you will get what you pay for.
Believe me, I'm not one and I'm still interviewing her on the podcast:
But how do you find bloggers you want to meet?
Watch your favorite podcast to interview others in your area.
On the podcast page "Entrepreneur On Fire" we saw that this happened to Jim Cook.
Entrepreneur podcast on fire with John Le Dumas
Then when you click on an interview, we see two things:
The name of the guest in the address.
The page specifically refers to the homepage from the guest page.
These two podcasts are very popular for interviews and we can see that another podcast is continuing.
How? Paste the person's homepage into Site Explorer, set the format to "URL" and go to the "Backlinks" report.
Next, use the "Add" filter to show only backlinks with the person's name in the title of the reference page.
We now have a list of over 100 audio tracks, including gyms.
Jim Cook podcast
From here, we need to filter to find the relevant opportunities, then tell the host why he wants to interview us and what we should do for his audience.
Pro advice
Although bloggers usually link from the interview website to the interview page, this is not always the case. Sometimes they only refer to their social files.
Because of this, he can often repeat the above process, but use the URL of the interview's social profile.
For example, if we repeat the steps using Jim's Twitter URL, we will get this podcast.
C. Podcast
When reviewing links to his website, this page was not displayed because the event page was not linked to it.
5. Email marketing
Every time we publish a new blog, we send a newsletter.
It takes a few minutes and sends thousands of people to our blog.
E-mail clicks
But that didn't happen overnight ...
We can now because we have spent many years building our email list, and now we have tens of thousands of users who really want to hear us.
So if you haven't pushed the trigger in email marketing yet, this is the perfect time to start.
How? The first step is to generate traffic to your site.
There are many ways to do this, but blogging for SEO (see # 1) is the best long-term strategy. We focused on this a few years ago and now we have an estimated 0,000,000 on Aharf's blog.
Ahref's traffic code
The next step is to convince them to sign up for your newsletter.
There are many tips and tricks for this: lead magnets, content updates and more.
But what unites all of these strategies is value creation. This can be a post (PDF version) (content update), a free 7-day email course (main magnet) or something else.
Below we simplify things with a slide that starts at the end of the post ...
End of the item slide
... and check the box at the bottom of each page:
6. Forum and Community Council
Communities and forums such as Reddit, Quora and Facebook pages can be great marketing channels.
Just remember to keep some important rules:
Do not try to promote products or services directly. People often browse these platforms for fun or education. If you can't do any of this, don't bother.
Connect your content remotely and appropriately. Most of the contacts are lost on these platforms, meaning they have no SEO value. For this reason, there is no need to add spam to your content because it supports and supports certain points.
Think of these networks as a place to exchange skills and experiences, build relationships, and help others.
It helps me.
His answer to the question is, "How long will it take to rank a new website on Google?"
Parent class answer
It is very deep and answers the question well.
For this reason, it is the thread's most follow-up response and has received more than 5,500 views in the last 6 months.
But he also took the opportunity to link to some related Aharf blog posts.
Blog link
It is there. It is not related to our home page or landing page. The blog post has added more information about the things they were already talking about - and it is useful.
If only 1% of people who see this answer click on the link, there are 55+ new readers with only one answer.
But he has not yet answered a question. Answer is 350+.
Taken together, these reactions have been viewed nearly 800,000 times so far…
Quora Profile Box
... and now I get thousands of views every month without any effort.
Pro advice
Looking for a way to find answers to related and popular questions in Quora?
Follow the procedure outlined in the video below, and be aware of additional traffic being hacked:
He periodically answers related questions on Facebook groups.
The answer is fb class
7. Paid Advertising
Most small businesses never think of paid advertisements because they are not "free".
But remember that nothing is really free because everything takes time. And time is money.
For this reason, paid advertising is not to be avoided. However, the thing you want to avoid is to blindly throw money at the ad network because someone said it was good.
Remember, what works for one person may not work the next day.
Before you start putting money into paid ads, keep in mind the alphabet of successful paid advertising:
- For the audience,
- B for the budget,
- C is for marketing.
- Let's start at the top.
Subscribe to our newsletter
This works well for us, but if you prefer to create your own list, you may want to be more aggressive while limited.
Remember that there is nothing to start or end the list. This is an ongoing process. So don't forget to email your list as you fear it won't be that big.
Try to keep users busy and send them valuable information, even if you don't have many people.
If you do this consistently over time, you will have a busy and responsible list of people who really enjoy listening to you.