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Ineffective forms of digital marketing

Digital marketing activity continues to grow worldwide according to the global marketing index. A study published in September 2018 found that global outlays on digital marketing tactics approach $ 100 billion. [46] Digital media continues to grow rapidly; While marketing budgets expand, traditional media decrease (World Economics, 2015). [47] Digital media help brands reach consumers to interact with their product or service in a personalized way. Five areas, which are described as current industry practices that are often ineffective, are to prioritize clicks, balance search and visualization, understand mobiles, orientation, visibility, brand security and invalid traffic , and cross-platform measurement (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​Why these practices are ineffective and some ways of making these aspects effective are discussed around the following points.

Prioritize clicks

Giving priority to clicks refers to display click ads, although it is advantageous because they are "simple, fast and cheap" rates for display ads in 2016, which is only 0.10% in the United States. This means that one in every thousand click ads is relevant and therefore has little effect. This shows that marketing companies should not only use click ads to evaluate the effectiveness of graphic ads (Whiteside, 2016). [48]

Search and balance display

Balancing the search and display of digital display ads is important; Marketing specialists tend to look at the latest search and attribute it to all effectiveness. This, in turn, ignores other marketing efforts, which establish the value of the brand in the minds of consumers. ComScore determined through online data, produced by more than one hundred multichannel retailers, that digital screen marketing presents strengths when compared or placed next to paid search (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​That is why it is recommended that when someone clicks on a display ad, the company opens a landing page, not its home page. A landing page generally has something to attract the customer to look beyond this page. Things like free offers that the consumer can obtain by providing the company with contact information so that they can use reorientation communication strategies (Square2Marketing, 2012). [49] Commonly, marketers see higher sales among people exposed to a search ad. But you should consider the fact how many people you can reach with a display campaign compared to a search campaign. Multichannel retailers have greater reach if visualization is considered in synergy with search campaigns. In general, both search and visualization aspects are valued, since visualization campaigns raise awareness about the brand, so that more people are likely to click on these digital ads when executing a search campaign (Whiteside, 2016 ). [48]

Understanding mobile phones: Understanding mobile devices is an important aspect of digital marketing because smartphones and tablets are now responsible for 64% of the time that American consumers are online (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​The applications provide a great opportunity and a challenge for marketing specialists because, first, the application must be downloaded and, secondly, the person must use it. This can be difficult, since "half of the time spent on smartphone applications occurs in the most used individual application and almost 85% of their time in the four best rated applications" (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​Mobile advertising can help achieve a variety of business objectives and is effective because it takes over the entire screen, and voice or status is likely to be considered highly; although the message should not be seen or considered intrusive (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​The disadvantages of digital media used in mobile devices also include limited creative capabilities and reach. Although there are many positive aspects, including the right of users to select product information, digital media create a flexible message platform and there is the potential for direct sales (Belch & Belch, 2012). [fifty]

Multiplatform measurement: 

The number of marketing channels continues to expand, as measurement practices grow in complexity. A cross-platform view should be used to unify audience measurement and media planning. Market researchers need to understand how Omni-channel affects consumer behavior, although when ads are on a consumer’s device, this is not measured. Significant aspects of cross-platform measurement implies deduplication and the understanding that it has reached an incremental level with another platform, instead of delivering more impressions against people who have previously been reached (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​An example is "ESPN and comScore partnered in the Blueprint Project to discover that the sports station achieved a 21% increase in the unduplicated daily range thanks to digital advertising" (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​The television and radio industries are electronic media, which compete with digital advertising and other technologies. However, television advertising is not directly competing with digital online advertising because it can be cross-platform with digital technology. The radio also gains power across cross platforms, in online streaming content. Television and radio continue to persuade and affect the audience, across multiple platforms (Fill, Hughes and De Franceso, 2013). [51]

Orientation, visibility, brand security and invalid traffic: 

Orientation, visibility, brand security and invalid traffic are aspects used by marketing specialists to help defend digital advertising. Cookies are a form of digital advertising, which are tracking tools within desktop devices; causing difficulties, with deficiencies that include the removal by web browsers, the inability to classify multiple users of a device, inaccurate estimates for unique visitors, exaggerate the reach, understand the frequency, problems with ad servers, which do not They can distinguish when cookies were deleted and when consumers have not previously been exposed to an ad. Due to the inaccuracies influenced by cookies, the demography in the target market is low and varies (Whiteside, 2016). [48] ​​Another element, which is affected within digital marketing, is "visibility" or if the ad was actually seen by the consumer. Many ads are not seen by a consumer and may never reach the correct demographic. Brand security is another matter of whether or not the ad came in the context of being unethical or having offensive content. Recognizing fraud when an ad is exposed is another challenge facing marketing specialists. This is related to invalid traffic, since premium sites are more effective in detecting fraudulent traffic, although non-premium sites are the problem (Whiteside, 2016).

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