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5 Strategic to Diversify Your Digital Marketing

Strategies to Diversify Your Digital Marketing

The comfort zone for digital marketing is easy to get to, but it can be a way to perform better, reduce the final and final decline.

If marketing campaigns have been running continuously over the years and the momentum is positive, you can be fooled into thinking that everything is crossing borders or that "everything is going well". No need to challenge.

If this sounds familiar to you (unless you are the only dynamic player in your field), it is possible to transfer the results and put them back together, and you need to think about more robust digital strategies. Different to.

The solution actively involves identifying and implementing new and changing opportunities, including technology, industry, audiences, and related creatures.

Actions are essential because they require a culture of research, testing, and care to become the industry leader and stay close to long-term, high-performance marketing.

In this post, I share five of the most useful marketing techniques to enrich your strategic plans and change your external competitiveness.

1. Proximity marketing and beacons

Close-up technology is not new, in fact it has been around since 2013.

However, what has changed is the development of technologies like Google Beacon as a more common marketing method for the efficient and practical use of marketing.

Strategies to Diversify Your Digital Marketing

What are the signs of proximity?

Beacons are a technology that can transmit signals up to a certain radius (usually smaller).

This means that devices such as cell phones and GPS can receive marketing messages related to their location and can be addressed by related messages.

How can it be used for marketing?

Restaurants are used for everything from table service, especially for continental marketing and lighthouse signs, to sending discounted text messages to existing customers when they walk through a store.

According to a recent article by my Google Beacons colleague: will marketing be closed in 2020? The main advantages of marketing are:

  • Targeting potential new and returning individuals / companies.
  • Set the marketing success and deactivate the online / offline marketing functions
  • In-store news and excessive local news advertising.
  • Guide people through shopping centers, stadiums, airports and cities.
  • Sports
  • Cross-selling during a purchase (e.g. product offers for shops)
  • loyalty
  • Very much

2. Swap chat and chat bots

Business conversations are a great opportunity, just from a chat program.

For the purposes of this post, Chatbots is a technology-based proposal to diversify and improve your strategic plans for 2020.

When restoring Facebook WhatsApp in 2014, a small part of the strategic thinking wasn't based on the fact that people spend more time on messaging apps than on social media.

Chatbots can connect your company to external platforms (such as Facebook) that allow you to prioritize messaging apps that reach your target group.

Since chatbot integration can include your website, social media channels and external messaging apps, you can fill in the gaps to cover your business and give your business an "always available" face.

When it comes to exchange trading, you can offer a controlled and consistent experience, reduce awareness, buy distances and quickly access information that consumers need online and online. ,

What are the advantages of chatbots marketing?

The benefits vary widely depending on your goals and the successful application and implementation of marketing. However, the expected benefits include:

  1. Improve customer service and support
  2. Help existing and potential customers understand the product / service that fits their budget and needs.
  3. The ability to quickly respond to questions and filter more complex questions for your customer service / support team.
  4. Financial savings compared to traditional employees
  5. Chatbot is much cheaper than hiring employees to perform automated tasks and do them from a boot / computer device.

This way of removing and reducing manual and repetitive activities from other companies can result in greater efficiency, time and cost savings on investments. Chatbots can also work on a budget.

Customer loyalty and increased support through the purchase and service of channels.
Strategies to Diversify Your Digital Marketing

  • The ability to start conversations with your customers based on knowledgeable behavior and activity.
  • A practical example of interaction can be part of every formation and delivery process.
  • Create valuable insights and gain a more comprehensive understanding of your customers
  • Data marketing is an improvement in fuel and efficiency. With the additional information you get from using chat software, you can improve and improve your marketing strategies.

As an example of this process, new forms of user and data sharing can be included in other existing data sources.

  1. Improvement of products / services.
  2. Fill in the information gap on the website.
  3. Fix new detection limits for conversions.
  4. 24/7 customer support

As already mentioned, chatbots are "always" and can synchronize users at the same time.

This means that people lose their potential business, so they don't have to wait in the information queue or wait to buy before they can effectively face the brand.

3. Improve Voice Search (VSO)

In this case, organic VSO is an essential part of unpaid digital marketing investments.

The statistics for improving voice search are largely justified:

  1. According to PerScore, 50% of searches will be voice searches by 2020.
  2. Gartner predicts that by 2020, 30% of searches will be done without a screen.
  3. A Google study found that 72 people using amplifiers use their devices as part of their daily routine.
  4. NPR's Smart Audio report shows that 55% of Amazon Echo or Google Home users can't imagine going back to when they were smart speakers.
  5. EMarketer notes that 35.8% of millennials use voice-based digital assistants at least once a month.
  6. The main change at VSO is that clearly defined tactics must be established and implemented to improve results.

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  • Run a free scan
  • advertising
  • Tactics to improve voice search
  • As in most organic SEO areas, there are many ways to implement VSO.

The targeted improvement can be achieved through a mobile language approach.

In this area, a wide range of tactics can include a goal for questions and answers about the goal of the activity and lead to sound solutions.

Other strategies can include:

  • Create new content (to match vocal intentions exactly).
  • Restart existing pages with the updated technical pages (e.g. diagram brackets) so that the information can be clearly identified and compared. It is displayed for use in voice search results.
Here are some popular steps for VSO benefits:

Local intentions

Precautionary measures "near me", "near me" and "on site", if not all, are ready to advance the industry.

The demand for organic research on these test subjects is growing rapidly and temporarily.

In this way, cellphone growth, voice growth and search engine-related settings in front of the cellphone can deliver results and link them to local intent filters for multiple results.

Striking pieces

Excellent pieces are the main tool for sound and the main source for sound results.

Chart updates such as organization, open charts, Q&A, articles, and more provide ways to increase results.

Content updates (tables, lists, pictures, short paragraphs and simple language) and content types can also target parts of text.

Local search

Optimizing VSOs may not improve. Examples of procedures to be considered are:

  1. Determine the site conditions, the sowing and the material structure.
  2. Bing Places, Google My Business Lists, Comments / Shares / max
  3. The company and wider business references.
  4. Local links are mentioned.
  5. Third party reviews.
  6. SEO professional

It is also necessary to constantly focus on SEO and related updates (website health / proofreading, speed (mobile / desktop) etc.).

Strategies to Diversify Your Digital Marketing

4. Integration of user-guided design

The user experience has changed dramatically over the years and has often evolved into a single, comprehensive, project-oriented service with limited or data-driven business justifications for significant business changes in design and data-based updates. This has a direct impact on the return on investment.

A recent article by a UX performance partner stressed that the key factors in the 2020 design strategy include:

Designed to promote consumer fear and confidence in implementation

From fake reviews to favicon and the growing website information displayed in SERP, Trust Design helps you get the most out of everyone who visits your website (and receives it in the first place. Get it).

Check the structure of information and navigation

When you combine website design, statistical testing, innovation and data-driven design, you will be amazed at the effect that improving conversion rates can have. Reachable

When it comes to website structure and navigation, design can often be excluded from traditional SEO and CRO conversations and should be changed to maximize performance.

Make a difference through experience

Regardless of the size of your company and the size of online competition, you can get a better user experience, improve custom statistics, and continue to satisfy customers.

5. Increase the practical value of your data

Most companies collect more data than ever, invest in data expertise, and track and collect big data and beyond.

There is still a gap, but the size of the data companies shows up compared to the value they generate.

The systematic use of data and ineffective processes is part of the data in order to regularly generate value from the data.

There are many areas of fuel marketing (e.g. customizing data marketing) that take time to focus more and get marketing right.

There are also a number of practical data and workflow activities that can be implemented for an instant win.


  1. Due to the unrecoverable return of Google keyword data on advertising spending on keyword targeting and SEO titles (ROAS).
  2. Find differences in the content of search queries using oversized / null data in the Google search console.
  3. Find the product / service format organized by Google Site Analytics Site Search.
  4. Content change analysis from automated competition analysis to close product / content / service gaps.


This is the current My Needs strategy, which will help expand, diversify and improve many of the 202 marketing methods and beyond.

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